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MetroParks joins Hamilton Parks Conservancy for trail work and other projects

The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Parks Conservancy, MetroParks Board of Park Commissioners, and Hamilton City Council have now all officially approved a Memorandum of Understanding to provide recreation and programming efficiencies mutually beneficial to all parties.

The MOU states that the City, Conservancy and MetroParks will:

  • Jointly work on regionally significant parks and recreational uses;

  • Share professional expertise;

  • Leverage capital and partner with one another to pursue grants and other funding sources for capital expenditures, maintenance and programming of facilities.

The Great Miami River Recreation Trail and associated environs, parks and pathways will be the primary area of focus between the parties to develop, maintain, and program.

“Since the Conservancy began we have partnered with many groups to accomplish things that needed to be done to improve and maintain Hamilton Parks,” said Steve Timmer, director of the Hamilton Parks Conservancy. “Hamilton has already benefitted by MetroParks involvement in the trail work at Miami Woods. I am looking forward to working with MetroParks and the City to come up with a game plan to manage and operate the Hamilton section of the Great Miami River Recreation Trail. The Conservancy will also work with MetroParks and the Miami Conservancy District to develop a new Master Plan for Combs Park.”

The focus on trails is particularly exciting for Cynamon Trokhan, a Hamilton resident and member of MetroParks Board.

“Trails are wonderful recreational amenities and valuable community economic drivers,” she said. “The Board fully supports this opportunity to leverage MetroParks’ experience and resources to increase regional visitation and positively impact Hamilton as well as Butler County.”

Currently, MetroParks manages nine miles of the Great Miami River Recreation Trail for the City of Middletown between Trenton and Middletown, connects with the Hamilton section of trail at Rentschler Forest MetroPark in Fairfield Township, has plans to expand trail connections within Rentschler Forest MetroPark and recently partnered with the City of Fairfield in future efforts surrounding the Marsh Park Expansion which offers another significant regional development opportunity south of Hamilton on the trail.

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