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"The Flowery City of Cheer"

While digging into the history of the parks in Hamilton, we stumbled upon this little gem of an editorial in the August 12, 1925 edition of the Hamilton Daily News:

Hamilton is a place of beauty and therefore a joy forever, at least in her many little gardens of Eden such as greet the eye at the Monument, City Building, Greenwood and the Fairgrounds and in other miniatures of Paradise about the city. Whatever else may be said of Hamilton, it is noted for its little parks and especially for the artistic care taken of them. If this city had men in other capacities like Mr. L.J. Smith the Superintendent of Parks, it would be an ideal place indeed. If other boards had such spirited citizens as those serving on the park commission without compensation, then the city would be cleaned up and be a place of beauty, morally and every other way. The services of Sam D. Fitton and Abraham Ballinger on the park commission are growing monuments in their honor. Fred G. Mueller served with both of those public spirited citizens as he is now serving with Ben Strauss and Allen Andrews Jr. for the cheer and beautification of the city. All honor to such men and to Superintendent Smith. Why not have a city in keeping every way with our flowers and landscape gardening? We are told of old, "the cultivation of flowers is of all the amusements of mankind, the one to be selected and approved as the most innocent. Elevating and Cheerful in itself and a joy to every passer-by; the employment is not only conducive to health and peace of mind, but probably more good-will has arisen and friendship been founded by the intercourse and communication connected with this pursuit than from any other whatsoever. The pleasures, the ecstasies, of horticulturalists like Burbank and Burroughs are pure and inspiring; a streak, a tint, a shade, becomes his triumph which are secured alone by morning care, by evening caution and the vigilance of days; an employ which, in its various grades, excludes neither the opulent nor the indigent, and teeming with boundless variety, affords an unceasing excitement to emulation. These cozy groves and beds of flowers also bring the birds nearer to us and who is not better for communion with the flowery and feathered kingdoms? We cannot be too grateful and appreciative for the untiring efforts of such men... We have Benninghofen park, Ludlow park and Sutherland park, named after those who have done much for Hamilton and the parks at the City Hall and Soldier's monument and elsewhere should be named after such worthy commissioners as Fitton, Ballinger and others. One of the most picturesque places is Warwick Rest Park, encircled by Elvin and Prytania avenues and the D street terminal. This was presented to the city by a non-resident, Mr. Denny Spangler, General Superintendent of the Norfolk and Western Railway in memory of his wife, who was a Hamilton woman and Superintendent Smith keeps it as clean and beautiful as the reception room of a palace. No monuments in unfrequented cemeteries will command the admiration of future generations as much as these beautiful breathing places--the parlors of nature and the delight of all lovers of art, nature and mankind. All glory now and evermore to the givers and preservers of such blessings so free and helpful to all.

Makes us a little proud to be carrying on such a fine and noble tradition!


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